2021 #1 Auctioneer in PA by Pennsylvania Auctioneer Association

B. L. Oberholtzer Auction Services


DATE:  February 22, 2025

TIME:  9am

LOCATION:   Renningers Market
740 Noble St, Kutztown, PA 19530

DETAILS:   Auction will have 2 Auctioneers selling miscellaneous small tools. Under the pavilion. At 9:15 auctioneer starts selling small farm related items and building materials. At 9:30 an auctioneer will start auctioning rows of equipment with live Internet bidding through Equipmentfacts.com and Proxibid.com

Receiving Date: 02/17 - 02/20 8am till 4pm

Commission Rates:

$1-100 → 20%

$101-500 → 12%

$500 and up → $60 on first 500 & 5% on amount above 500.

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